Ferrosilico Manganese

What is ferrosilico manganese?

Ferrosilicomanganese is a type of ferroalloy that contains 60-68% manganese, 14-21% silicon and 2.5% carbon. This material is produced by melting slag from ferromanganese with high carbon or manganese ore along with coke and quartz flux. This ferroalloy can be used as a substitute for ferrosilicon and ferromanganese and in line with deoxygenation during steel production. The effect of adding silico-manganese to steel in the amount added and its combined effect with other elements in the melt. Ferrosilico manganese with silicon percentage above 30 is used in the production of stainless steel. Oxidation with ferrosilico-manganese leads to cleaner steel, because liquid manganese silicate coagulates and separates more easily from the melt. The use of ferrosilico-manganese adds less phosphorus, carbon and nitrogen to steel than the combination of ferrosilicon and ferromanganese. Also, the calculations performed by fluid dynamics show that Si intake through Si-Mn is more than its intake through Fe-Si.

Ferrosilico manganese applications

Due to its special compounds, ferro-silico-manganese has many applications in various industries. Today, this element is widely produced in the steel industry, which can be seen below.
Reducing carbon solubility in steels and other manganese alloys
Deoxygenation and alloying in steel
Reduction of steel impurities such as sulfur, phosphorus and nitrogen
Increased hardness in steel
Ferro-silico-manganese can be introduced as an alternative to ferro-silica and ferro-manganese if you add different materials to steel. Both silicon and manganese, depending on the amount added and combined with other alloy elements, can play a very important role on the final properties of the produced steel. Manganese and silicon are also used as elements to reduce oxidation in steel, eliminate sulfur, and the presence of such factors It has made it one of the most important alloys in steel making. Silicon can be considered as a primary material that causes oxidation to disappear.
Manganese is also a milder oxidizer than silicon, but will increase effectiveness due to its presence of manganese silicates and stable aluminates. On the other hand, it can also be used as one of the factors that make sulfur. The use of manganese as one of the main steel alloys is still very popular. The main importance of this material lies in the fact that it can have a corrective effect on the iron-carbon system and therefore increase the strength of steel and its hardness.

Properties of ferrosilico manganese

Among the most important properties of ferro-silico-manganese, the following can be mentioned:
This material will not dissolve in water, oil or alcohol.
Ferrosilico manganese is available as metallic stones with silver-gray color and has no smell.
Its use is economical due to the presence of silicon and manganese, and now it is the second most used ferroalloy in the world.
The density of this material is 6.1 grams per cubic centimeter and it has a melting temperature in the range of 1060 to 1350. The reason for this change in its melting temperature range is the presence of different compounds.
Ferrosilico manganese will be classified among non-hazardous and non-flammable substances. The flash point of this substance is above 93 degrees Celsius.
The use of this material will make steel with improved properties and reduce the impurity of steel to a great extent.
This material can be produced in three different grades and mainly exists in low carbon and high carbon.
Ferrosilico manganese has good corrosion resistance.
Its use can lead to a decrease in the required temperature as well as an increase in the capability at lower temperatures.
This ferroalloy is chemically stable under normal conditions.
Its contact with moisture, acids or alkaline bases should be avoided; Because it will cause the formation of highly flammable gases such as hydrogen and toxic gases such as arsenic and phosphine.

Product analysis
Manganese (Mn)
silica (Si)
Carbon (C)
phosphorus (P)
sulfur (S)
Max 2.5
Max 2.0
Product packaging
Product images
مبانی اخلاقی شرکت آرمان تجارت صبا
  • وارد کننده مواد اولیه ریخته گری و مواد اولیه صنایع فولاد سازی از منابع معتبر خارجی
  • مطابق با استانداردهای جهانی تولید فولاد و آلیاژها مانند DIN آلمان ، ASTM آمریکا، JIS ژاپن
  • دامنه بازرسی و نمونه گیری گسترده و سخت گیرانه
  • دست یابی به دست اول ترین محصولات آلیاژی و فولادی در بازار های جهانی
  • تهیه فرو آلیاژ ها و مواد اولیه مورد نیاز واحد های تولید کننده آهن و فولاد از کارخانجات معتبر خارجی
  • ارزیابی میزان رضایت مندی مصرف کننده گان از کیفیت مواد اولیه ارسال شده
  • تضمین 100% کیفیت و کمیت کالاهای وارداتی از مبدا حمل تا به مقصد (کارخانجات نهایی )
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  • دریافت پیشنهادهای فنی از تمامی مصرف کنندگام جهت بهبود کیفیت و تامین نیازهای فنی مصرف کنندگان
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– We follow transparent management and correct management with the pride of the members of Saba Arman Trading.

– We practice customer satisfaction management by providing the best quality and service to our customers.

– We dare to challenge new things and create social value.

– We do not promote personal interests in relation to our work.

– We adhere to law and order and will adhere to regulations and procedures.

– We help the social, educational and cultural development of the country and local communities and serve the disadvantaged.

– We help protect the environment for future generations by practicing conservation of the soil, air, and water environment through environmentally sound management.

ارزش آفرینی پایدار

خانواده شرکت آرمان تجارت صبا یک شرکت پویا و پرافتخار است. علت وجود ما این است که با ارائه ارزش های جدیدی که به توسعه صنایع و جامعه ی آن کمک کند، به شرکتی بدل شود که اعضای ما به آن افتخار کنند. شرکت آرمان تجارت صبا رشد خود را در چشم اندازی پایدار متصور می شود و بر آن تاکید دارد. صداقت در فعالیت به عنوان ارزشی بنیادی دنبال می کند. ما خود را به روش های جدیدی که تا به حال انجام نداده ایم به چالش می کشیم و کارهای جدیدی را دنبال می کنیم.

شرکت آرمان تجارت صبا بر اساس احساس مسئولیت، حسن نیت و کرامت فعالیت می کند و ما دقیقا می دانیم که چه کاری باید انجام شود تا شایسته ارزش باشد که ارائه می دهیم.

Sustainable value creation

The family of Arman Tejarat Saba is a dynamic and proud company. The reason for our existence is to become a company that our members can be proud of by providing new values that help the development of its industries and society. Arman Tejarat Saba company envisions its growth in a sustainable perspective and emphasizes on it. Honesty in activity follows as a fundamental value. We challenge ourselves in new ways that we haven’t done before and pursue new things.

Arman Tejarat Saba operates based on a sense of responsibility, goodwill and dignity, and we know exactly what needs to be done to be worthy of the value we offer.

آرمان تجارت صبا
شرکت آرمان تجارت صبا بیش از 30 سال است که در امر تهیه و توزیع مواد اولیه مورد نیاز صنایع ریخته گری و فولاد سازی فعالیت دارد.این شرکت با بکارگیری مهندسین متالورژی باسابقه و شناخت کافی از نیازهای کارخانجات تولید آهن و فولاد در این مدت طولانی سعی نموده که مواد اولیه مورد نیاز واحد های تولیدی کشور را مطابق با استاندارد های جهانی DIN، ASTM و JIS از منابع و کارخانجات معتبر جهانی خریداری نموده و آن را با قیمت مناسب تجاری در اختیار واحد های تولیدکننده داخلی قرار دهد.
About Us
For more than 30 years, Arman Tejarat Saba has been active in the supply and distribution of raw materials needed by the foundry and steelmaking industries. This company, by employing experienced metallurgical engineers and having sufficient knowledge of the needs of iron and steel factories, has tried to purchase the raw materials needed by the country’s production units in accordance with DIN, ASTM and JIS international standards from reliable global sources and factories and provide them to the domestic production units at a reasonable commercial price.